Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, we have the activities of the Cineclube suspended. But here are two of our films, to sustain the longing!
Territory and Community are the conceptual and thematic axes that drive the activities of Cineclube Eldorado.
The Cineclube Eldorado was born intrinsically linked to concrete and metaphorical questions about “Territory”, since its conception by the filmmaker Larissa Leão and by the social worker and leadership of the MST Edicleia Miranda to take a program of film club activities to the Eldorado Settlement of the Movement of Rural Workers Without Lands, in the municipality of Santo Amaro, in the Bahian Recôncavo, in December 2017.
From 2019, in association with NAU Nascente de Artes e Utopia, activities began to be developed in Palmeiras, in Chapada Diamantina, meeting local quilombola communities, looking at the manifestations of popular culture in the municipality, living together, listening and portraying their way of life, their leadership, their iconic or unique personalities.
The Cineclube Eldorado has been involved in audiovisual interventions and achievements ranging from video art to documentary research, through performance and exhibitions on the street, at home or in the countryside, always seeking to underline, above all, the perspective of “Territory ” as a human and social landscape.
At the same time that “Territory” is also a metaphor for the body and the individual: in transit, in transformation, vulnerable, a merchant of cultures and symbols, a transgressor of borders, an innovator of traditions.